Forty peri- and early post-menopausal subjects who took blackcurrant powder for 6 months had improvements in whole-body bone density and related biomarkers.
The Orgen brand of plant-based vitamins and minerals is produced through vertically-integrated supply chains, allowing for control from seed to distribution.
In addition to new evidence that stevia has no impact on gut microbiota, the company showcased coating fats, cocoa powders, and pink Himalayan salt solutions.
The company will develop a yeast-based solution with support from the food industry, and the Canadian government in the form of grants and accelerator programs.
The conference saw the launch of “My Health Alliance,” a collaboration of health and wellness trade associations that will advocate with federal lawmakers.
In over 25,000 NHANES participants, with cofounding factors ruled out, having a more carotenoid-dense diet appeared to have a protective effect against obesity.