Literature / Brochures
Davoslife Biocarotene: A Natural Colour Additive with Antioxidant Properties
DavosLife Biocarotene contains natural mixed carotenes, an ideal choice as a food colour additive with rich antioxidant properties to promote general wellness.
DavosLife Biocarotene is extracted from non-GMO palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis). It contains predominantly α- and β-carotene that behave synergistically to provide health effects stronger than α-carotene and β-carotene individually. Compared to other sources of market products, palm-based carotenes has the highest ratio of α-carotene to β-carotene. α- and β-carotene are scientifically proven to promote heart health, skin health, healthy ageing, glucose metabolism, bone & joint health, cognitive health and more.
Carotenes are widely used in dairy, confectionery, beverage and bakery industries as natural food colour additive.
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