Beau-E is an oral beauty drink containing bioactive collagen peptides, DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols and Vitamin C for firmer and radiance skin. One of the main bioactive ingredients - DavosLife E3 DVP 30-WD is a stable water-dispersible powder of natural Tocotrienols.
DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols are scientifically proven to provide potent antioxidant protection to the skin, reduce inflammation, brighten the skin and boost collagen production.
Research studies have shown that DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols were able to reduce pollution-induced oxidative stress and inflammation, resulting in a 2.7-fold reduction in oxidative stress and a 2.2-fold reduction in inflammation. A clinical trial has shown that DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols can reduce UV-induced inflammation by up to 26% and pigmentation by up to 32%.