Nutraceuticals World Magazine

October 2010

  • TrendSense
    Getting Ahead of the Curve: Immunity

    Immunity is one of the fastest growing—and most elusive—nutraceutical markets. The fear of losing one’s job if they become ill, global mega viruses, e.g., H1N1, an unprecedented intolerance among schools to allow children with even minor ailments to stay in class, and the return of serious infectious diseases, e.g., whooping cough, have heated up the immunity market, way beyond its upcoming seasonal boost.

  • Monograph Center

    SAMe was first discovered in 1953 by a researcher named Cantoni. It is formed in the body from methionine and adenosine triphosphate in a reaction catalyzed by methionine adenosyltransferase. SAMe functions as a primary methyl group donor in a variety of reactions in the body.