Supplyside West
ExcelVite Hosts ‘20 Years of EVNol & Brain Health Research’ Breakfast Seminar
Event will highlight clinically supported benefits of vitamin E tocotrienol.
By: Sean Moloughney

ExcelVite, which claims to be the only PIC/S GMP-certified palm phytonutrients (Tocotrienols and Mixed-Carotene) producer in the world, will hold a Breakfast Seminar on EVNol & Brain Health Research, while also exhibiting at SupplySide West Booth 4566.
2020 marks the 20th year of research on EVNol and EVNol SupraBio natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol in brain health and neuroprotection. In order to share with the industry and to celebrate this research milestone, ExcelVite will organize a breakfast session on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 9 am, serving breakfast while listening to the 20 years of brain health research journey, from discovery to its mechanisms and from ensuring the transport of tocotrienol into brain cell in human to the latest human clinical trials (both published and on-going).
Leading alternative health expert Dr. Bryce Wylde will also present at this seminar. As a Functional Medicine Clinician, he will talk about his clinical experience and practices in tocotrienol’s unique health benefits as well as his recent trip to Malaysia to deepen his understanding of sustainable palm oil.
“Tocotrienol is touted as the next generation super vitamin E. ExcelVite’s flagship product – EVNol SupraBio is a patented & bioenhanced natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex. It has been proven to confer neuroprotection via two decades of research with research funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Malaysian Ministry of Primary Industries. It all started at the Ohio State University Medical Center, led by Prof Chandan Sen. And we are extremely proud that even today, EVNol SupraBio continues to be selected and used in human clinical trials for brain protection. Interestingly, other unique health benefits of tocotrienol have also been discovered, encompassing liver health, hair growth and skin health,” said Bryan See, Business Development Manager of ExcelVite Inc.
“It takes us 20 years to meticulously build the reputation and science of EVNol SupraBio in Brain Health and Neuroprotection. Hence, 2020 is a special year for ExcelVite, and we welcome brand owners, supplement manufacturers and formulators to join us at this breakfast seminar on October 17 (9 am) at SupplySide West to gain in-depth knowledge about EVNol SupraBio for brain health and other unique clinical benefits,” added Bryan.
“Having reached this important milestone, ExcelVite is committed as ever, to continuously support research efforts and initiatives on EVNol SupraBio; not only in brain health, but also in other unique health benefits such as liver and metabolic syndrome related conditions,” said WH Leong, CEO of ExcelVite.
Hosted by ExcelVite, this Breakfast Brief is titled “Clinically Supported Benefits of Vitamin E Tocotrienol for Brain Health and Cognition,” and will be held at the South Convention Center, Level 3, Palm D, on Oct. 17, 9 to 10 am.
Interested attendees are encouraged to register to reserve a seat. Registration fee to Breakfast Brief is waived using discount code EVBrief100.