
Hemp’s (Still) Untapped Potential: We’ve Only Skimmed the Surface So Far

James Roza, chief scientific officer, Layn Natural Ingredients, discusses roadblocks and opportunities in today’s cannabinoids market.

James Roza is the chief scientific officer for Layn Natural Ingredients and has more than 30 years of experience in the natural products/nutraceutical industry. A graduate of Chicago State University and a certified nutritionist from the American Health Science University, he has served on the executive board of the Natural Products Foundation working to raise industry standards, and served as vice-chair of the Natural Products Association ComPli standards committee. Roza also served as a U.S. delegate on several Codex committees and chaired the AOAC Task Force on Dietary Supplements. 
Area Code 420 (AC 420): HempRise is part of Layn Labs. Why did the company venture into hemp and cannabinoids?  
Roza: Although the hemp/CBD market is experiencing many challenges that have slowed its growth, HempRise is confident this market will continue to flourish once meaningful legislation is passed and many of the marginal companies that are exploiting this category are gone, allowing companies such as HempRise to rise to the top.
HempRise’s state of the art, multi-million-dollar facility is poised to meet the needs of CPG companies that are standing on the sidelines and waiting to move forward once safety and other related factors have been sorted out. Until then, we will have to navigate on a state-by-state basis. Except for Iowa, Idaho, and South Dakota, CBD is fully or conditionally legal (restrictions for food and beverage or other requirements) in all states.
AC 420: Talk about your hemp product innovation and the categories and applications the company addresses.
Roza: We have developed a proprietary nano-emulsion that can be applied to CBD, CBN, and other cannabinoids to enhance their bioavailability and efficacy. CBD has poor bioavailability due to its lipophilic nature and therefore is difficult to absorb orally. Nano-emulsions allow CBD and other hydrophobic drugs that have a high first metabolism to be more readily absorbed due to its small particle size. This technology can be applied to supplements, foods, and beverages.
Additionally, HempRise has developed a method for THC remediation that is patent pending, and published research that I have conducted on our broad-spectrum CBD entitled “Effect of Broad-Spectrum Hemp Extract on Neurobehavioral Activity on the Immobilization Stress-Induced Model in Sprague Dawley Rats,” which demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing anxiety and stress.
AC 420: Does any segment of the hemp/CBD market appear to be in a growth mode? 
Roza: Yes. The rapid growth of Delta 8 THC which is produced from CBD and other natural and synthetic cannabinoids such as THC-0 and THCV. Regarding CBD, that market is being segmented to other cannabinoids such as cannabinol (CBN), which is used for many of the same reasons as CBD but because it is a milder version of THC many consumers find it to be more effective.
AC 420: Elaborating on the previous question, what direction do you see the industry moving? If you had a crystal ball, what might the next few years look like for the hemp cannabinoid category?
Roza: The category will continue to expand as new research and innovations take place. In terms of what hemp has to offer, we’re just skimming the surface at the moment. There are more than 550 chemical compounds in hemp including cannabinoids, terpenes, and phenolic compounds. Terpenes such as limonene, myrcene, and linalool have been studied for their anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, and antibacterial properties. These compounds either on their own or in conjunction with other cannabinoids will gain recognition for the beneficial effects.

AC 420: Sleep and stress are still the two main uses for CBD.
Roza: Stress and sleep are two of the more notable benefits, but CBD is also used for pain relief, inflammation, depression, and immune enhancement. This is accomplished through the inhibition of enzymes that degrade the endocannabinoids that are produced naturally and act on CB2 receptors that are located through the human body. Numerous studies have been done documenting these benefits in animals and humans.
AC 420: Do you feel enhanced consumer education is a key to success for you and your customers? 
Roza: Absolutely. Since there is a plethora of misinformation and misconceptions about CBD and other cannabinoids, particularly within the last few years since the flood of hemp-derived and synthetic cannabinoids that have come to prominence due to a loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill.
AC 420: What would be your suggested education strategy for your customers to develop and pursue? 
Roza: I think the best approach is to provide consumers with scientifically based information in an easily understood, reader-friendly manner. Relying on anecdotal or hearsay information does the public a disservice. Some examples of credible information that is factual can be found on the National Institutes of Health website and Project CBD’s website.
AC 420: From a government approval point of view, what would you like to see happen for the hemp/CBD marketplace? 
Roza: Congress needs to act since the FDA has deferred judgment on the safety and codification of CBD to our legislators. While other countries such as the UK have established regulations and safe upper limits for CBD, the U.S. is mired in inertia which is risking the health of consumers by allowing companies on the fringes of our industry to sell products that lack cGMPs, don’t meet their label claims, and may have solvent residues that can be harmful.

About the Author: Sheldon Baker is a full-time freelance writer who covers health and wellness and other fun topics for Nutraceuticals World, Rodman Media, and other publications. He’s based in Northern California near Yosemite National Park, and enjoys exploring worldwide destinations, especially New York City, Mumbai, India, and Sydney, AU. He’s also happy to hang out at home with his wife and the many young foster children in their care. Follow him on Twitter @SCB3128 or send him an email at

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