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Probiotics Conference Brings Industry Leaders to San Antonio

The International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics is scheduled to take place in San Antonio, TX, on November 19th to the 21st, bringing together a mix of biotech, food processing companies and university scholars to share experience, foster collaboration and evaluate emerging technologies in the field of probiotics. The conference aims to address basic research, clinical trials, regulatory efforts and development of industrial technologies.
At the event, Dr. S.K. Dash of UAS Laboratories will be presenting a seminar on Selection Criteria for Probiotics. Dr. Dash will address strain identity using genetic techniquesandin vitro testing to establish probiotic qualities like acid and bile resistance, resistance to digestive enzymes, adherence to human epithelial cells, potential anti-microbial activity, affect on immune cytokines and sensitivity to common antibiotics. 
For further information on the event, visit our Industry Events page:

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