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Novel ‘Smart Chew’ Delivery Format Features Sugar-Free, Jelly-Like Matrix

Amway was among the first nutrition companies to test out ConCordix from Vitux AS in a kids’ DHA formula.

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By: Mike Montemarano

Associate Editor, Nutraceuticals World

Contract manufacturer Vitux AS announced the market availability of ConCordix, a novel delivery formulation that is a sugar-free, jelly-like soft chew, with high-potency capacity, the company reports.
It recently partnered with Amway, which markets Nutrilite vitamins and supplements, specifically using the new technology in its Nutrilite Kids Brainiums DHA supplement, to determine its viability in delivering stable nutrients in a way that children would enjoy.
“Any time we can go to a single and clinically potent serving is better for compliance,” Marc Van Maris, Vitux AS senior vice president of sales and marketing said, noting that the company was highly eager to introduce Amway to the unique jelly-like matrix.
They were able to formulate the sugar-free gummy in such a way that it could dissolve easily without sticking to teeth like traditional gummies, and can hold up to 250 mg of EPA and DHA in a single chew, Vitux AS reports. Additionally, it can contain both water and oil soluble ingredients in the homogenous, pre-emulsified matrix.
“Amway was blown away that we could enable them to substantially increase their DHA potency in a single chew,” Van Maris said. He added that ConCordix’s matrix was able to deliver 43.4% more bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids when compared to other traditional soft-gel formulations.
In addition to being sugar-free, ConCordix is free from artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. It is gluten-free, dairy free, non-GMO and NSF certified, and is packaged in single-serving blister packs with a two-year shelf life.
“With pretty much any product we launch at Amway, we prefer fewer servings,” Marlene Zuidema, Amway brand manager, said. “Moms are looking for things to support their little ones’ brain health. We were looking for a unique product that would provide the best benefits for kids. The new Jelly Splat is a little different than a gummy and easier for kids since they don’t have to chew hard. Being sugar free was also a big factor in our decision to use ConCordix. Millenial moms don’t want their kids to get too much sugar, and the blister packs keep the chews fresher longer.”
Based on flavors testing, a strawberry citrus flavor of the new ConCordix-based supplement was the most popular, and that the reformulation process for its Jelly Splat DHA gummies was a positive one.
“Kids found the format fun. They could play with it before taking it. That was a big thing,” Zuidema said. “We really wanted something that kids were not only willing to take, but ideally that they would ask for it. Vitux was very responsive and helpful. They’ve been an excellent supplier to work with. That contributed to a good timeline for launching this product.”

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