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LycoMato Approved as Safe Color Additive

FDA has amended its color additive regulations to provide for the safe use of LycoMato tomato lycopene extract as a color additive in foods. This action is in response to a Color Additive Petition (CAP) filed by LycoRed Natural Products Industries, Beer Sheva, Israel. The ruling, which went into effect August 26th, adds LycoMato to the FDA’s listing of Color Additives Exempt from Certification. The FDA evaluated two LycoMato concentrations: one containing not less than 5.5% lycopene (referred to as tomato lycopene extract); and the other containing not less than 60% lycopene (referred to as tomato lycopene concentrate). LycoRed’s patented manufacturing processes and related studies also were part of the evaluation process.

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