
Lallemand Receives EU Marketing Authorization for VitaD Bakers Yeast

Following EFSA’s positive recommendation on June 24th, the European Commission has granted marketing authorization for vitamin D baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), validating Lallemand’s VitaD baker’s yeast for use in bread and other yeast-leavened bakery products.
A natural and vegetarian source of vitamin D, VitaD baker’s yeast is available in North America and South Africa and will soon also be available throughout Europe.   
In Europe, EFSA estimates that a large percentage of the population does not meet the recommended daily vitamin D allowances of 10μg/day. In 2012, the mean percentile intake of vitamin D from foods among young children varied from 1.7 to 5.6 μg/day, and from 1.6 to 4.0 μg/day in adolescents. For adults, estimates of vitamin D mean intake from foods varied from 1.1 to 8.2 μg/day.
EFSA has approved a number of health claims for vitamin D, which are only granted to nutrients following a rigorous evaluation process. These health claims are related to the importance of vitamin D for the normal absorption of calcium and for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. The approval also validates the recent discovery of the crucial importance of vitamin D to the function of the immune system.
Gert Steenkamp, president and general manager of Lallemand Yeast Group (EMEA Division) commented, “Since many Europeans are not meeting their needs for vitamin D and new dietary sources are needed, the European Commission’s approval now gives the baking industry a unique opportunity to offer a solution to enhance the healthy attributes of bread, benefiting from the growing consumer awareness of the importance of vitamin D to the maintenance of the immune system and bone health, as recognized by EFSA”.

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