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ChromaDex Partners with Marketing Company 5LINX

Irvine, CA-based ChromaDex Corporation has entered into a four-year ingredient supply and brand-licensing agreement valued at approximately $62 million, with direct marketing company 5LINX,Rochester, NY.
5LINX has been granted marketing rights for ChromaDex’s recently introduced ingredient NIAGEN Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) for use in dietary supplements exclusively in the network marketing sales channel in the U.S., Canada and Philippines. Under the terms of the agreement, 5LINX must purchase from ChromaDex $2.1 million of NIAGEN in 2014, and an aggregate of $46 million of NIAGEN from 2015 through 2017.  
NIAGEN is the first and only commercially available brand of NR, which is found naturally in trace amounts in milk and other foods and is a more potent, no-flush version of Niacin (vitamin B3).
5LINX has also been granted marketing rights for ChromaDex’s recently launched PURENERGY for use in dietary supplements, with select exclusively in the network marketing sales channel in the U.S., Canada and Philippines. Under the exclusive network marketing channel agreement, 5LINX must purchase from ChromaDex $520,000 of PURENERGY in 2014 and an aggregate of $14 million of PURENERGY from 2015 through 2017.
ChromaDex’s PURENERGY caffeine alternative is a patented co-crystal ingredient comprised of caffeine and ChromaDex’s pTeroPure pterostilbene, a potent anti-oxidant found in blueberries. 
Frank Jaksch, ChromaDex founder and CEO, stated, “We believe the network marketing channel is ideal for the early development and adoption of NIAGEN and PURENEGY-based health and wellness products.”

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