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Botanical Chewing Gum Led to Weight Loss Benefits in Consumer Study

Sweet Victory chewing gum contains the herb gymnema, along with a plant extract which blocks taste receptors for sweetness.

Sweet Victory Ltd., a Tel Aviv-based startup company, recently announced the results of a consumers study which found that 80% of participants self-reported a reduction in the intake of sweets, and 87% of participants reportedly lost weight.
The chewing gum, available in a wide variety of flavors, was formulated with an herb colloquially used to reduce sugar cravings, called gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre). The bioactives within the herb are known to block taste receptors for sweetness, and slow down the intestinal absorption of sugars, the company reports. The gum is formulated to blunt sweet flavors within two minutes of chewing, which is thought to reduce the desire for sugary foods.
A home-usage consumer survey supported the role of the product in reducing sugar cravings.
The two week trial involved 80 participants between the ages of 25 and 45 who expressed interest in losing weight but weren’t in a dietary process. Each participant received 45 pieces of Sweet Victory chewing gum and were instructed to chew gum at least three times daily either after meals, between meals, or when a sugar craving emerged. In addition to completing a daily questionnaire, they weighed themselves daily.
87% of participants reported experiencing weight loss, with an average of 1.3 kilograms over the two-week period. 80% of participants significantly reduced consumption of sweets by the end of the trial and reported that they “had better control” over their food choices.
“The overall improvement we witnessed was incremental,” said Gitit Lahav, founder. “Significantly more participants felt they were in control of their impulses after four days and at the end of the trial, compared to the beginning. Also, a significant decrease in the consumption of sweets was observed from the fourth day until the end of the experiment compared to the first days, suggesting an enduring effect. We further noted relatively even consumption of the gum throughout the day indicating that it can have a positive effect any time of the day.”
Seventy percent of users reported that the product was innovative, and fulfilled its role of maintaining weight balance. Most consumers said they would recommend the product to friends and family, and described it as a fun product they could add to their daily routine.
“We created Sweet Victory gum to help consumers break their sugar habits in a fun and user-friendly way,” said Shimrit Lev, cofounder. “Sweet Victory currently is working on diversifying the product’s delivery formats, including exploring new gum flavors to join the existing peppermint, spearmint, bubble-gum and watermelon flavored gums in order to provide even more options for our customers.”

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