
BERGAMONTE Made from BPF Produced by H&AD SRL (Italy) Aids Metabolic Syndrome and Liver Health

HP Ingredients points to three studies backing the ingredients efficacy.

Three new studies have shown a new mechanism of action for bergamot-derived polyphenolic fraction extract (BPF produced by H&AD SRL Italy), according to Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, which oversees manufacturing and markets the ingredient. The three scientific investigations have uncovered bergamot polyphenolic fraction’s  (BPF) ability to help consumers address metabolic syndrome and support liver health, in particular non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that exacerbates unhealthy cholesterol levels, blood sugar insufficiency and weight/fat accumulation.
According to the American Liver Foundation, NAFLD is the non-alcoholic-caused buildup of extra fat in liver cells. A normal, healthy liver contains between five and 10% fat, and anything more than that degrades the function of the liver. NAFLD affects up to 25% of Americans.
Further, evidence shows that NAFLD is often associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). NAFLD has been identified as the hepatic manifestation of MS. In particular, NAFLD is one of the most common causes of liver-related mortality worldwide. NAFLD encompasses a morphological spectrum from simple fatty liver (SFL), non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) to hepatic cirrhosis. Moreover, many compounds used for counteracting the detrimental effect of MS on the cardiovascular system, such as statins, have not been found to produce a beneficial effect on liver dysfunction or enhanced fat accumulation in the liver.
The authors of a scientific review 1 concluded, “the occurrence of metabolic syndrome (MS) represents an independent risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease states in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Moreover, both the size of LDL particles and liver dysfunction identified as non alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) represent important biomarkers for the development of cardiometabolic risk in those with MS. Recent evidence shows that bergamot polyphenolic fraction in individuals with MS and NASH induces a significant reduction of fasting plasma glucose, serum LDL cholesterol and triglycerides alongside with an increase of HDL cholesterol. In addition, a significant reduction of both ultrasonographic, TC scans and metabolic biomarkers of NASH as well as a significant reduction of small dense LDL particles were found after BPF treatment suggesting a beneficial effect of bergamot-extract in patients with MS and NASH. This suggests a potential preventive role of bergamot derivatives in reducing cardiometabolic risk.” NASH has been identified as the hepatic manifestation of MS.
In a placebo-controlled trial of 107 patients exhibiting MS and NAFLD 2, excluding subjects with excessive alcohol consumption, > 20 grams per day in males or > 10 g per day in females, those that took 650 mg twice daily of bergamot polyphenolic fraction for 120 days had a significant reduction of serum total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides. This effect was accompanied by significant reduction of serum glucose, transaminases, gamma-glutamyl-transferase, steato test and inflammatory biomarkers such as TNF-aα and C Reactive Protein (CRP).
Further, in these individuals, researchers found a substantial re-arrangement of lipoprotein particles compared to the baseline profile. In particular, BPF was found to decrease the mean concentration of IDL particles by 51%, to increase large LDL by 38%, and to decrease small LDL by 35%. Moreover, 120 day treatment with BPF led to 20% increase of total HDL particles, mainly due to the increase of large HDL. Polyphenolic components, via multi-action properties, reduce liver accumulation of fat thereby producing an overall improvement in liver function.
According to the study authors, the beneficial effect of consuming BPF for individuals with MS associated with NAFLD was confirmed by data obtained when studying ultrasonographic pattern of NAFLD. The hepatorenal index was significantly reduced from 2.8 to 1.5 through supplementing with BPF, showing a reduction of liver brightness. This suggests that for those who have mild to severe NAFLD associated with MS, supplementing with BPF led to a reduction of hepatic ultrasonographic pattern of steatosis.
In the third study on Wistar rats consuming a typical cafeteria [15% protein, 70% carbohydrates, 15% fat) diet, which closely resembles the Western-style snacks. The researchers wrote the study “reveals for the first time that a mixture of natural citrus polyphenols from bergamot is able to stimulate lipophagy in the liver under hypercaloric stress.” The company suggested BPF is the best available preparation of citrus flavonoids, thanks to its high content of polyphenols (40% of dry mass), relatively good characterization of principal components and its documented clinical efficacy in lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose levels and other features associated with the metabolic syndrome. 
The research team showed that in the cafeteria-diet model of MS, bergamot polyphenols stimulated lipid metabolism and prevented pathogenic fat accumulation in the liver by promoting its elimination through autophagy. Consequently, bergamot flavonoids prevented inflammatory changes in the liver suggesting a slowed progression to NASH. They observed a dramatic effect of BPF on fat LDs content in the entire structure of the main lobe, reaching more than 70% reduction in some cases and a mean of 48.5% lower LD area in the BPF group compared with controls.
The authors of this study asserted, “NAFLD is a major public health issue due to its worldwide prevalence and potentially serious consequences. For this reason, the molecular mechanism of NAFLD and its progression to NASH are object of intense research. Identification of lipid autophagy as a fundamental process regulating lipid clearance in the liver opens a new perspective for the development of therapeutic strategies that stimulate hepatic lipophagy.”
Ms. Eng commented, “The relevance of use for our BERGAMONTE BPF produced by H&AD SRL Italy is now substantiated for supplements that address metabolic syndrome and liver support (NAFLD). As dietary supplements continue to become more sophisticated and precisely targeted, BERGAMONTE BPF produced by H&AD SRL Italy is now viable for related concerns to cardiovascular/cholesterol wellness. This includes formulas for healthy weight management, notably for overweight consumers who have NAFLD. Additionally, the third study results may have health relevance for people who regularly consume a cafeteria-type diet, such as medical professionals, university staff, and of course, students.”
1.  M. Gliozzi, et al., “The effect of bergamot polyphenolic fraction in patients with non alcoholic liver steato- hepatitis and metabolic syndrome,” PharmaNutrition2015. 
2.  Gliozzi, M., et al., “The Effect of Bergamot-Derived Polyphenolic Fraction on LDL Small Dense Particles and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome,” Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2014.
3.  Maddalena Parafatia, M., et al. “Bergamot polyphenol fraction prevents nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via stimulation of lipophagy in cafeteria diet-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome,” Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry2015.

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