Market Updates, Regulations

BeniCaros Ingredient Achieves Immune Health Claims in Australia and New Zealand

The prebiotic fiber received approval for eight claims in total, and unrestricted use in dietary supplements regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

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By: Mike Montemarano

Associate Editor, Nutraceuticals World

Following a systematic review of scientific evidence supporting BeniCaros, an upcycled carrot pomace prebiotic fiber marketed by NutriLeads, eight health claims about the ingredient were self-substantiated for use in documents submitted to Foods Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ).
The general level health claims were made in collaboration with NutriLeads’ Australia and New Zealand Distribution partner, Pathway International Pty Ltd.
“The FSANZ claims mean manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand can include them on the labels of their food and beverage products,” said Joana Carneiro, Ph.D., NutriLeads chief executive officer. “It sends a clear message to consumers that the health benefits of BeniCaros are scientifically substantiated.” 
The FSANZ claims, which are based on the results of peer-reviewed randomized clinical research, include:

  • Supports/aids/assists/promotes/boosts/stimulates/improves immune health 
  • Reduces the severity and duration of symptoms of common cold (rhinovirus) infection 
  • Stimulates innate immune and anti-viral response to common cold (rhinovirus) infection 
  • Faster and more effective immune response 
  • Supports immune defenses 
  • Supports healthy immune system function and response 
  • Accelerates local protective anti-viral immune response 
  • Immunomodulatory effect on immune cells 
BeniCaros is also permitted for use in dietary supplements regulated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administraiton (TGA) without restrictions.
BeniCaros is a prebiotic fiber called Rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I), which is evidenced to have a dual mechanism of action, and is efficacious at dosages of as low as 300 mg. In addition to having factors known to beneficially modulate innate immune function, the fiber selectively increases certain bacteria in the gut with minimal gas production, despite variations in an individual’s gut microbiota and composition.
“BeniCaros creates new opportunities for product innovation in the immune and gut health marketplace,” said Wayne Coote, managing director of Pathway International, which represents BeniCaros in the Australian and New Zealand markets. “The ingredient has remarkable health benefits, formulation properties and now notified label claims.”  

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