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Alkemist Labs’ Sidney Sudberg Takes On Industry Leadership Roles

Alkemist Labs President and CSO Sidney Sudberg has added two new undertakings to his technical work, as he joins the NIST/NIH Dietary Supplements Laboratory Quality Assurance Program Advisory Board and also begins a three-year term on the AOAC Technical Division on Reference Materials (TDRM) as an Executive Committee Member.  
“The importance of validated, agreed upon testing methods and the proper interpretation of data has been illustrated more clearly this year than ever before,” said Dr. Sudberg. “I’m pleased to be contributing to the work of these two groups that are dedicated to moving the industry forward in quality by developing consensus among experts on proper testing methods.”
The NIST/NIH Dietary Supplements Laboratory Quality Assurance Program Advisory Board is coordinated by staff at the NIST, with the Advisory Board drawn from other related government agencies, testing labs, trade associations and industry members.
The initiatives of AOAC Technical Division on Reference Materials (TDRM) focus on improving the quality of analytical measurements through the correct use of reference materials in method validation, method transfer, or routine quality control. The group presents seminars at AOAC Annual Meetings relating to the use of reference materials. TDRM engages with other AOAC groups to promote the use of reference materials in support of reliable measurement outcomes.
After many years as a clinician Dr. Sudberg combined his clinical knowledge and experience with his chemistry background and founded Alkemist Labs, an independent contract Analytical Testing and research laboratory based on the premise that Natural Products/Dietary Supplements actually ‘work’ and the only way to help the general public receive the health giving benefits of supplements was to provide a service that would help ensure the quality of herbal/dietary supplements available to the consumer.
As the Founder, CSO and President of Alkemist Labs, Dr. Sudberg has published several scientific papers on his natural products research and now serves on various committees of the American Herbal Products Association, including the Analytical Laboratories and Standards committees as well as the Sports Nutrition and Animal Products committees. He is also a technical advisor for the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and serves on various committees of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists and has recently been appointed to the Methods Committee on Statistics.

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