
Area Code 420 Has Arrived

Introducing Nutraceuticals World’s new Q&A column featuring entrepreneurs in the CBD, cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid markets.

In the event you didn’t know, there is no area code 420 in the U.S. Oh yes, the Czech Republic country code is 420. But there’s no 420 area code in any U.S. state, until now.

With the popularity of CBD, cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid products, and now the arrival of the endocannabinoid category, it’s my opinion these product categories are here to stay.

This surge in demand following the 2018 farm bill created an undeniable opportunity within these sectors. This growth has opened doors for companies to expand their brand and seek
lucrative acquisitions.

What’s behind the demand for CBD? Recent research into its uses suggests that this naturally occurring compound can be useful in a range of health and well-being applications, including managing pain and helping users to relax. This fascinating research has captured the attention of customers seeking new health and wellness options to improve the way they feel, especially consumers who prefer to avoid prescribed medical products.

Declassifying hemp and its derivatives as controlled substances by the federal government has paved the way to legally be regulated by state governments and commercialized in foods and dietary supplements.

Cannabis is now poised to be a major disruptive force across a variety of markets, but none more so than food, beverage, and health and wellness products. And the momentum of the cannabidiol market has gained the attention of retailers.

Consumer attraction to CBD products in the U.S. is on the rise. According to market research by High Yield Insights, the CBD industry could double to $2.1 billion by next year. Research also showed that roughly 40% of adults age 21 and over indicated a willingness to explore CBD under the right conditions.

With the ever-expanding nutraceutical marketplace now including CBD, cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid products all starting to command a major presence, from food and beverages to a wide range of supplement products, it is only fitting that we start to gain greater insight from the manufacturing pioneers and leaders, researchers, and legal experts about these new health and wellness categories.

In the months ahead, I will be talking with the innovators and developers within these product categories to learn more about all these new exciting developments and what lies ahead. I invite you to contact me for interview consideration.

Sheldon Baker

Sheldon Baker is CEO of the Baker Dillon Group LLC and has created numerous nutraceutical brand marketing communications and public relations campaigns for many well-known supplement and food industry companies. For interview consideration or brand marketing consulting, contact him at

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