Regulatory Roadmap: Authorization and communication of ingredients in Europe and the U.S.

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By: Sean Moloughney

Editor, Nutraceuticals World


The regulatory frameworks governing ingredients for nutritional use in food and dietary supplements, as well as the processes for obtaining new authorizations, differ between the European Union and the U.S.
FoodChain ID's experts will review and compare the main provisions in Europe and the U.S. concerning:
• Current authorized ingredients
• Obtaining authorization for use of a new ingredient: Novel food dossiers (EU) versus GRAS dossiers or NDI notifications (U.S.)
• Possible claims and the justifications needed

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Jérôme Le Bloch, PhD
Head of Scientific Affairs
FoodChain ID
Amélie Denis
Head of International Regulatory Data
FoodChain ID
Sean Moloughney
Moderator, Editor
Nutraceuticals World

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