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Supplyside West

October 28 - 1, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
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Sabinsa Looks Back on Sustainability Track Record and 35 Years in Business

In addition to a long list of ingredients to learn about, representatives will be on hand to discuss the history of commitment toward environmental stewardship.

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By: Mike Montemarano

Associate Editor, Nutraceuticals World

Booth 4647
International health science company Sabinsa will be at SupplySide West to discuss the research and benefits of a wide net of ingredients, and its 35-year business history and track record of sustainability at SupplySide West.
The company will be focusing on top-selling products like LactoSpore, a shelf-stable probiotic, DigeZyme, a digestive enzyme blend, Curcumin C3 Complex, a curcumin ingredient, and Saberry, a standardized amla extract formulated for blood sugar support.
Additional products from the portfolio include:

  • CurCousin, a self-affirmed GRAS weight management ingredient, standardized for a minimum of 99% Calebin-A;
  • Sabroxy, a flavonoid rich extract from Oroxylum indicum bark, standardized for a minimum of 10% Oroxylin A, 15% Baicalein and 6% Chrysin
  • Cirpusins, a stilbene rich extract from Cyperus rotundus root, standardized for a minimum of 6% total stilbenes (Piceatannol, Scirpusin-A, Scirpusin-B)
  • LivLonga, aunique blend of three scientifically validated natural ingredients – Curcumin C3 Complex®, Livinol®, and BioPerine®
  • Nigellin, Super critical fluid (SCF) extract from the seeds of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin Seed), standardized for 5% and 20% Thymoquinone
  • C3 Reduct, the first ever EFSA approved novel food active metabolite of Curcuminoids, standardized for a minimum of 95% Tetrahydrocurcuminoids
  • Flavinergy, a methoxy flavone rich extract from Kaempferia parviflora (Black ginger) rhizome, standardized for a minimum of 10% total methoxy flavones
  • Shagandha, an ashwagandha ingredient formulated for stress and sleep.
Some of the company’s newest innovations include: 
  • Aged garlic, an organosulfur rich extract from Allium sativum bulb containing 0.5% S-allyl-cysteine
  • Sabrolithin A & B, an ellagic acid and ellagitannins metabolite containing 99% urolithin A and 99% urolithin B
  • Mangiophelin mango extract, a polyphenol rich extract from immature, de-seeded, dried mango, standardized for a minimum of 10% polyphenols.

At the show, Sabinsa will be discussing its history of commitment toward the environment and sustainable practices. One recent initiative has been to invest in alternative energy to power manufacturing facilities. Sabinsa’s longstanding sustainable raw material sourcing practices for the cultivation of medicinal crops is also expanding with the recent additions of the Plectranthus hadiensis and Picrorhiza kurroa programs. This practice guarantees the supply of high-quality, fair-trade materials from farmers. In addition, the company also actively practices social and economic Sustainability.

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