Supplyside West
Pomella Extract May Help Improve Cardio-Metabolic Health
Study showed benefits of pomegranate extract in conjunction with medication.
By: Sean Moloughney

Researchers with the Srikot Research Institute have studied the effects of Pomella pomegranate extract (from Verdure Sciences) in patients (20-60 years of age) with Myocardial Infarction as an “add-on basis” in conjunction with regular prescribed medications. The study determined the effects of 300 mg/Pomella twice daily for 30 days on biomedical parameters like HDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, non-HDL cholesterol, serum homocysteine, hs-CRP, and OX-LDL as an add-on with regular medication showing improved antioxidant status of the blood biomarkers associated with cardiac health.
In this study results of post treatment analysis showed a significant improvement in mean levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, non-HDL cholesterol, serum homosystein, hs-CRP, and OX-LDL after add-on treatment with Pomella compared to placebo. “The increase in HDL in combination with a decrease in LDL and other markers is quite impressive,” stated Nikeeta Kheradia, research & development, Verdure Sciences.
Furthermore, the same group of researchers studied the antioxidant effect of Pomella Extract as adjunct therapy at 300 mg twice daily for 30 days in comparison to placebo in 40 patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Myocardial Infarction. At the end of the study, results showed that the blood glucose levels and HbA1C levels were significantly reduced compared to baseline.
Sonya Cropper, vice president of marketing & innovation with Verdure Sciences, stated, “We are very excited to see the additional support of Pomella’s efficacious capabilities and potential health applications. It is impressive to see the impact Pomella has on biomarkers that influence health in these complementary clinical trials.”
According to the American Heart Association, about 34% of adult Americans have metabolic syndrome and in recent years it has become much more common in the U.S. Risk of developing metabolic syndrome increases with age and prevalence of the syndrome is also increasing globally. As metabolic syndrome is usually associated with a greater risk of cardiac impairment and diabetes, daily supplementation with Pomella® Extract could help maintain glucose homeostasis, promote heart health, and promote glycemic health.
Kristen Marshall, marketing coordinator with Verdure Sciences, went on to say. “It is exciting to see the synergies in these adjunctive opportunities. Communication between patients and healthcare providers is imperative and this study helps to confirm the need for both patients and physicians to be open and converse about their supplement regimens.”