Clinical Trial Shows Cognitive Benefits of InSea2
Study showed immediate and tangible benefits from optimizing glucose absorption.
By: Sean Moloughney

Booth 765
innoVactiv, a Canadian company dedicated to the development of science-based specialty ingredients, reported that InSea2 produced statistically significant positive results on cognition in a recently completed human clinical trial conducted by the Brain, Performance and Nutrition Research Center of Northumbria University (U.K.).
In previous human studies, InSea2 has been shown to optimize carbohydrate absorption and assimilation by slowing down the activity of digestive enzymes alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. InSea2 thus reduces the fluctuations in blood sugar induced by dietary carbohydrates, while reducing insulin levels and improving surrogate markers of insulin sensitivity. Although the brain relies on glucose for energy production, its optimal functioning is affected when blood glucose levels fluctuate up and down after a high-carb meal. Several studies have shown that attention, cognition, and even driving can be impaired after a meal due to occurrence of postprandial hypoglycemia or to amino acid imbalances in the brain’s chemistry that induce sleepiness. Therefore, this trial aimed to evaluate if the well-demonstrated glucose-stabilizing effects of InSea2 could help optimize brain function after a high-carb meal.
The present randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involved 60 healthy male and female subjects. On study day, each volunteer underwent baseline cognitive tests to measure Attention, Performance and Error rate using the Computerised Mental Performance Assessment System (COMPASS). Subjects then took 500 mg of InSea2 before eating a high-carb meal. Cognitive tests were repeated every 40 minutes over a 3 hour and 10 minute period. Results showed statistically-significant improvements in cognitive function, such as increased accuracy on Digit Vigilance and Choice Reaction tests. The InSea2-treated subjects were also significantly less likely to make errors in repetitive, computer tasks. In line with its blood-glucose optimizing effects, these significant cognitive benefits have been noticed following a single intake of InSea2, and no side effects were reported.
“We are really excited about these new results highlighting immediate and tangible benefits from optimizing glucose absorption. Everyone can experience periods of tiredness or sluggishness after a meal, and finding a non-stimulant, caffeine-free solution to this problem is now within reach with InSea2,” said Jocelyn Bérubé, executive and scientific director at innoVactiv. “Blood sugar control is pivotal to many physiological processes impacting several of our body’s key functions. By optimizing post-meal blood glucose, we can thus expect to see benefits to various body structures and functions, such as the cognitive benefits measured in this new study.”
“These new clinical results are just one example of a “functional benefit” of blood sugar control, one which can be more easily conveyed to consumers” added Patrice Dionne, CEO of innoVactiv.
For more information, visit Booth 765.