
Formulating for Calm: Drink, Breathe, Relax

Cheryl Accardi, founder and president of Anxiety Aide, developed a natural solution for a common concern.

Anxiety Aide started in 2019 when Cheryl Accardi finally had enough. From the time she was 19, she suffered from panic attacks and crippling anxiety. She missed family events, did not travel, stayed home for months, never ate at restaurants and so much more—all due to her fear of panic attacks.

Then she became a mom, and when she had to watch her kids battle anxiety attacks, she knew she had to find a solution. She was determined to find a mix of natural ingredients that could help calm a person down. It had to be portable so it could always be with you and did not leave you groggy. It had to be a drink, so it was easy to take when anxiety hit. The flavor was another big piece of the puzzle as she wanted something mild that tasted good.

Over time, Dallas, TX-based Anxiety Aide was born. Accardi worked with doctors, chemists, formulators and after hundreds of versions, the right mix of ingredients came together. Today, Accardi volunteers for several mental health and suicide awareness charities, including one of her favorites, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Area Code 420 (AC420): Why did you decide to develop Anxiety Aide?

Accardi: As I always say, I finally had enough. Enough of prescriptions making me feel like a zombie, and watching my son suffer and following in my footsteps with no relief. So, I took all I had and created Anxiety Aide with the support of medical doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, and formulators to find the best ingredients to help calm you down.

AC 420: Talk about the product ingredients.

Accardi: I only wanted to use proven ingredients. Magnesium is one of our top ingredients with a great deal of research behind it. Alpha-GPC, L-Theanine, chamomile, ashwagandha, along with a few others are in our proprietary relaxing blend of natural ingredients. In our +CBD and PM versions we add 10 mg of hemp-derived CBD with 0% THC as well.

AC 420: What did product development entail?

Accardi: There were several versions with different amounts of ingredients and fine-tuning to get to our final formula.

We tested every version on hundreds of people of different ages, races, and sexual orientations to find one that had the best results.

AC 420: How does the product work and what are its health benefits?

Accardi: You drink half a bottle when you feel your anxiety and panic starting to attack. Since it is a drink, it is bioavailable quicker, and you will begin to feel calmer within a few minutes. We did brain scans with Dr. Jason (Jay) Mishalanie, PhD, a licensed psychologist and clinical director of Peak Neuroscience, LLC, in Dallas, who said: “Brain activity associated with the experience of anxiety or stress significantly decreased while neurological markers of relaxation increased after taking Anxiety Aide.”

AC 420: Was community anxiety heightened during the heart of COVID-19 due to isolation?

Accardi: Anxiety is currently at epidemic levels. There was and is a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide

AC 420: How does anxiety affect mental health and does it play a role in suicide?

Accardi: Among individuals reporting a lifetime history of suicide attempts, over 70% had an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are independently associated with suicide attempts. Clinicians need to assess suicidal behavior among patients presenting with anxiety problems. Sleep can be affected too.

AC 420: It is important to note you are a volunteer for several mental health and suicide awareness charities.

Accardi: I am very involved in the mental health community. I volunteer with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and help yearly with NAMI walks, their largest fundraiser. I work with the Suicide Crisis Center of North Texas. I am a certified Mental Health Coach, and I’m Mental Health First Aid certified. I volunteer my time helping others navigate difficult times with weekly coaching sessions and helping my church with its mental health team.

AC 420: A portion of Anxiety Aide’s sales are donated to mental health charities. How much has the company contributed?

Accardi: We are still building our company and have donated a few thousand dollars in cash and hundreds of bottles of product.

About the Author: Sheldon Baker is CEO of the Baker Dillon Group LLC and has created numerous nutraceutical brand marketing communications and public relations campaigns for many well-known supplement and food industry companies. For interview consideration or brand marketing consulting, contact him at

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