It is obvious that our company known as Shinhigh International Corp. (SIC) not only provides exceptional supplemental ingredient, but that we have the pleasure of working hand in hand with a top notch team. Thus allowing our distributors and Contract Manufacturers that ease of mind in which they are receiving the finest quality of materials in the market. These supplements are carefully selected by our highly skilled team of professors, nutritionist, experienced technicism, and sales directors who work together to put a highly sophisticated group of products.
We have incorporated vegan proteins, micro algae, L-Carnitine and so many more. Our products have taken us to new heights and have forced us to expand globally needless to say it is only a matter of time that SIC becomes well known. Don’t we all just want to have that peace of mind and reassurance that we are receiving both the highest quality of product and that a team full of professionals work diligently on their products. Well, SIC does just that.