Health E-Insights: How is life as a consultant?
Ms. Kelly: Life as a consultant takes the parts of my job that I love, learning and helping people, and fuses them together as a way to make a happy living. It’s always fun to see what opportunities present themselves as challenges. Each day of my job is a win-win situation for all involved. I have never been happier.
Health E-Insights: What services do you offer?
Ms. Kelly: I think of myself as an industry matchmaker. I utilize my ever-expanding network to bring companies together. People call me to help find someone to help with their dilemmas, such as a raw material need, locating a contract manufacturer, expanding a distribution network, or finding a qualified clinical trial provider and I am able to make the introductions necessary to solve their problem.
Health E-Insights: What is your competitive advantage?
Ms. Kelly: Simply put, my network. I am always looking for new avenues where I can help bring people of character together. I contract with a variety of quality manufacturers and distributors that I have known and worked with for years. With our raw materials, I feel like a personal shopper of scientific ingredients. My customers tell me what formulations they are working on and I’m able to tailor specific products from my portfolio to their needs. My customers appreciate that I am able to keep them informed with the cutting edge ingredient technologies.
Health E-Insights: What do you think the future holds for dietary supplements?
Ms. Kelly: I think we are going to see a bigger emphasis on scientific studies. The companies I work with may be interested in new ingredients presented, but the science must be there to show the mechanism of action. With my clients, if the science isn’t there to back up claims, they aren’t interested in hearing anymore, no matter what the ingredient promises. I find that companies that provide high quality double-blind placebo human clinical trials and in-vitro studies, such as KGK Synergize, will be important in the future of our industry.
Health E-Insights: Do you sing in the shower?
Ms. Kelly: Yes, I do. I think everyone in my family does. My shower-singing career really started when I received a waterproof singing songbook growing up. Singing in the Rain is still an all-time favorite.
Health E-Insights: What is your greatest travel luxury?
Ms. Kelly: I am a huge foodie. I love food – presentation, taste, and textures. I love it all. When I have an amazing meal while I’m traveling I will fall asleep with a smile on my face in my second-place greatest travel luxury – a fabulous comfortable bed with lovely linens.
Sheldon Baker is well-known for creating nutraceutical brand marketing and public relations campaigns. For Health E-Insights interview consideration, contact him at And follow him on Twitter @NutraInk.