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TSI Group’s Peak ATP Receives Informed Ingredient Certification

The certification for the ATP ingredient affirms it is free from impurities and substances banned in sports nutrition products.

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By: Mike Montemarano

Associate Editor, Nutraceuticals World

TSI Group has achieved the third-party Informed Ingredient certification for its Peak ATP sports nutrition ingredient.

Peak ATP is a clinically-studied and patented form of adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) disodium that’s identical in structure to the ATP produced and used by the human body. As a bioavailable energy source, Peak ATP has been evidenced to boost muscle power output and improve blood flow.

LGC’s Informed Ingredient certification is a thorough testing process that involves the ingredient and the entire manufacturing process. The voluntary program assures brand manufacturers that ingredients have been routinely tested for a wide range of prohibited substances, and are safe for use by athletes without concerns of adulteration or contamination.

“Informed Ingredient certification demonstrates to consumers that reputable manufacturers are doing more to ensure their products’ safety. It will give consumers another level of confidence in this ingredient,” said Larry Kolb, president of TSI Group. “TSI Group has invested in this process for our products because it helps our customers distinguish their products in a crowded marketplace, and confirms our commitment to quality assurance.”

TSI Group has previously achieved the Informed Ingredient certification for its myHMB and myHMB Clear ingredients.   

Kolb said that he predicts having Informed Ingredient certification will further heighten demand for Peak ATP and formulations containing it.

“In addition to boosting cellular energy and improving exercise performance, we have science-backed data confirming Peak ATP’s ability to improve cognition, reaction time, and accuracy. It may also be beneficial to athletes who need to maintain their focus throughout a match or game,” Kolb said.

Peak ATP is a non-stimulant energy source which is generally recognized as safe (GRAS), certified kosher, non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan/vegetarian-friendly.

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