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Study Finds GI, Respiratory Benefit in Prebiotic Supplementation Among Elite Athletes

Ingredient supplier Clasado Biosciences will present the results of the study at the European College of Sports Science Conference.

Prebiotics have a role to play in aiding a number of upper respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms experienced by athletes, according to a study recently completed by Nottingham Trent University in collaboration with Clasado Biosciences, an ingredient supplier specializing in prebiotics and gut microbiome-based ingredients.
At the upcoming European College of Sports Science Conference, slated for August 30 to September 2 in Seville, Spain, principal investigator Dr. Neil Williams will present results of the study in detail to delegates from the athletic health field. Williams is a senior lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.
Williams’ lecture will take place on the second day of the event, August 31, at 11:30 CET, as part of the Physiology and Nutrition session. This will be followed by an oral presentation from Connor Parker of Nottingham Trent University, taking place on September 2 at 8:00 CET.
The study utilized a randomized controlled methodology to measure the effects of a 24-week prebiotic intervention on markers of immunity and upper respiratory symptoms and gastrointestinal symptoms in top-flight rugby union players. The conclusion of the study shows positive effects in the measured outcomes following a consistent course of prebiotics.
“We are delighted to showcase the findings from this latest study as we continue to uncover the links between the gut microbiome and athletic health. In particular, the study focuses on markers of immunity, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms, which are of particular interest in the sport health community,” said Williams. “There is a great deal of insight to be gained from the study, which further points to the importance of the gut microbiome in supporting athletic health. The study showed that twenty-four weeks of prebiotic supplementation reduced the duration of upper respiratory symptoms, as well as the incidence and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. Crucially, the number of GI symptom-free weeks was higher with Bimuno GOS, pointing towards greater availability for athletic training and competition.”
The study adds to the portfolio of science behind Bimuno GOS, an ingredient that has been featured in over 100 scientific publications and more than 20 clinical trials.
“We are excited to share the findings from the collaborative study of Nottingham Trent University,” said Dr. Lucien Harthoorn, R&D director at Clasado Biosciences. “Using Bimuno GOS as a base, we have been able to further explore the potential of prebiotics in a sports environment. The findings suggest that Bimuno GOS has the potential to modulate immune function and reduce the duration of URS [upper respiratory symptoms] and the incidence and severity of GIS [gastrointestinal symptoms], which may improve an athlete’s ability to train and compete. As we look ahead to what the future of sport health and nutrition looks like, it’s clear that there is a prominent and distinct role for prebiotics and gut microbiome modulation. We look forward to the research study team from Nottingham Trent University sharing the data and insight from the study at the European College of Sport Science conference and the influence this can have on developing science-backed prebiotic solutions within the sports market.”  

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