
Study Demonstrates LJ100’s Viability in Promoting Immune Health

Study published in Phytotherapy Research found LJ100 to support healthy immunity in middle-aged adults.

Known for its proven ability to encourage endogenous testosterone production, LJ100 standardized Eurycoma longifolia (22% bioactive eurypeptides) has now, for the first time, been shown in a study published in Phytotherapy Research to support healthy immunity in middle-aged adults.
In the study, entitled, “Immunomodulation in Middle-Aged Humans Via the Ingestion of LJ100/Physta Standardized Root Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack — A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Study,” researchers Annie George et al investigated how 200 mg daily of LJ100 versus placebo for four months impacted specific immune paramaters using the patented immune evaluation method, the Scoring of Immunological Vigor (SIV).
According to the authors, “As SIV is calculated using multiple factors, it can describe ‘comprehensive immunity’ by considering eight parameters and not interpreting each immune function separately. In addition, it can assess the extent of age-related decreases in immunological functions.”
In total, 81 subjects with lower Scoring of Immunological Vigor (SIV) were recruited (40 LJ100, 41 placebo). At week 4, the SIV and immunological grade were significantly higher in the LJ100 group than those in P group (p < 0.05). The numbers of total, naïve, and CD4+ T cells were also higher in the LJ100 group, representing improved adaptive, or cell-mediated, immunity.  The LJ100 group exhibited a younger immunological age (by 4 years) after the four weeks of supplementation. Lymphocytes were significantly higher; there was also an increasing trend in NK cells, which plays an important part in defense against viral infection. No severe adverse events were observed. The results suggest that ingestion of LJ100 enhances comprehensive immunity and staving off of immunosenescense in both middle-aged men and women.
“Immunosenescence is the gradual deterioration of our immune health brought by natural age advancement as our naïve T cells decline,” explained Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, manufacturer of LJ100. “Cortisol (a key stress hormone) also accelerates immunosenescence by inducing a shift from a CD4+ to a CD8+ dominant pattern of immunity. LJ100 has been shown in previous studies to reduce cortisol and improve psychological mood states in moderately stressed subjects. By helping the body via supplementation of LJ100 to reverse immunosenescence, we are essentially providing the ability to maintain good immune health through aging, as well as helping improve hormonal balance, strength, quality of life and sexual health.”
The study authors wrote, “The present study demonstrated that the ingestion of a standardized E. longifolia root water extract, LJ100/Physta, improved various immunological parameters such as the total T cells, CD4+ T cells, and naïve T cell numbers, as shown in the results, and improved comprehensive immune functions as demonstrated by the SIV and immunological grade. Comprehensive immune measurements (SIV and Immunological grade) revealed significant improvement following TA ingestion. According to these findings, intake of the LJ100 might contribute immunological improvement, which results in maintenance and improvement of health.”
The authors concluded that their findings indicate for the first time the immune-related improvements through consumption of LJ100.
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