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Sabinsa Introduces Curcumin Analog Ingredient CurCousin

The Calebin A ingredient is evidenced to support healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Sabinsa launched a new turmeric extract called CurCousin, an ingredient rich in the curcumin analog Calebin A which is a curcumin analog naturally present in both Curcuma longa and Curcuma caesia.
CurCousin has been clinically studied at twice-daily dosages of 25 mg per day, and has been evidenced to support a healthy body weight by inhibiting adipogenesis. With 65 patents in both the U.S. and internationally, the product also has a self-affirmed GRAS status.
The ingredient was the subject of a published human study, appearing in the International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, which was led by Sabinsa chairman and founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed. The placebo-controlled clinical trial covered both efficacy and safety in 40 obese or overweight individuals for 90 days, who were given a twice-daily 25 mg dose. Compared to the placebo group, the group which took the supplement saw significant reductions in body weight and body mass index, according to the authors.
When it came to secondary outcomes, the authors of the study noted that the Calebin A group saw significant reductions in serum biomarkers including leptin, adiponectin, and cortisol, and that there were improved blood lipid profiles compared to the group taking a placebo. The ingredient was found to be safe and well-tolerated by all of the subjects, and the study concluded that Calebin A can support healthy body weight through inhibiting adipogenesis.
“Deep knowledge of curcumin has been a passion of our research teams for many years, and has resulted in industry-leading ingredients like Curcumin C3 Complex,” Majeed said. “We’re enthusiastic about the potential of CurCousin and eager to share details about it with our customers across the world.”

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