
Research Finds Robuvit Heightens Performance in Training and Workouts

Study shows standardized French oak extract speeds up recovery time, boosts endurance and increases training efficiency.

Those who are looking to boost their performance during their workout, can look to a new supplement that has recently received expanded availability in the U.S. The French oak wood extract Robuvit was found in a 2015 study to speed up recovery between periods of physical activity by reducing levels of oxidative stress in the system. Study participants who supplemented with Robuvit reported increased endurance and boosted muscle recovery time, allowing people to perform longer, more frequently and more efficiently.
This comes as welcome news to the millions of individuals who are looking to enhance their workout routines, and improve their physical performance overall.
Daily supplementation with Robuvit while training was proven to reduce post-training muscle fatigue, pain and cramping often attributed to oxidative stress, the imbalance between free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects.
“Robuvit cuts down on the chemical processes that impede your top performance, allowing you to take on more and for your body to handle it more efficiently,” said health and nutrition expert and best-selling author Dr. Fred Pescatore.
“For many, the muscle soreness that can linger days afterward is what keeps them out of their gym and off their routine. Robuvit greatly reduces the length and severity of this, empowering you to keep training and keep pushing through,” he added.
By decreasing levels of post-training plasma free radicals, overall oxidative stress, thought to be the culprit behind the muscle discomfort and general fatigue one experiences after an intense workout, is reduced. It also improves the quality of rest you get between training sessions, further enhancing the effects of its restorative qualities.
The study, published in Minerva Cardioangiologica, evaluated the effects of Robuvit on performance and endurance in triathletes over a two-week triathlon training period and found that as a result of taking Robuvit daily, athletes experienced less pain and general discomfort than they would normally after a triathlon.
Athletes in the study reported heightened endurance and that they needed less recovery time between races, which in turn allowed for improved overall time, pace and more sustained levels of energy throughout a triathlon event.
The study found that in the beginning stages, both groups (one group taking Robuvit and another as a control group) reported roughly the same times. However, after just two weeks, the group taking Robuvit experienced an 11% decrease in their overall time, while the control group decreased their time by just 4%.
“The presence of post-exercise plasma free radicals is what has been associated with the delayed onset muscle fatigue that many individuals can experience after a triathlon, or even activity their body isn’t accustomed to,” said Robuvit research expert Dr. Frank Schoenlau of Horphag Research, the distributor of the ingredient.
“Robuvit has been suggested in clinical trials to increase generation of ribosomes, cellular machinery assembling proteins, such as muscle fibers in training athletes. Correspondingly, athletes may adapt more rapidly to training with muscle built. 
Most recent research found that metabolites (urolithins), developing after supplementation with Robuvit in humans, improved mitochondrial- and muscle function.  
“While most Americans aren’t looking to run a triathlon event this year, many are looking for improved performance in their fitness routines or when they take on an endurance event like a 5K or an obstacle course race,” Dr. Pescatore said.
Interest in Robuvit has increased worldwide as a number of recent peer-reviewed and published studies have illustrated the extract’s support for vitality, renewed energy and detoxification.
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