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Pharmactive Launches Kiwi Extract Designed to Improve Protein Absorption

The botanical ingredient is suitable for athletes, vegans, and aging populations at risk of muscle loss.

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By: Mike Montemarano

Associate Editor, Nutraceuticals World

Pharmactive Biotech Products S.L.U. has launched KWD+, a kiwi fruit extract which is designed to promote the digestion of protein. The company will position the ingredient across three consumer demographics: sports enthusiasts; the elderly; and vegans, all three of which commonly experience problems digesting, absorbing, or reaching recommended intake of proteins.
Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C and other nutrients and antioxidants, and is known for its positive impact on digestion. This is attributed to the naturally high presence of actinidin, an enzyme which helps break down proteins and enhances their absorption.
KWD+ is sourced from traditionally cultured kiwi fruits in New Zealand and manufactured within its GMP-approved facility in Spain, and contains a standardized 0.15% actinidin. It is also standardized to 0.1% Aktinamics, a proprietary blend of characteristic kiwi antioxidants, chief of which are phenolic compounds, which are evidenced in vitro and in vivo to have inflammatory-modulating properties.
Pharmactive reports that its proprietary technology is able to concentrate the proteolytic enzymes five times more than fresh kiwi fruit.
Animal models and bench studies have supported actinidin’s ability to improve the digestion of proteins in the stomach and small intestine by converting them into protein fractions called peptides.
“KWD+ can be beneficial for several classes of populations,” said Jean-Marie Raymond, CEO of Pharmactive. “In the sports nutrition arena, KWD+ could be instrumental in promoting a better harnessing of proteins among sport professionals and highly active adults. This could help reduce the excessive protein intake, especially among those involved in high-powered physical disciplines, such as powerlifting and bodybuilding. Excess intake of dietary protein has been associated with a number of health risks. KWD+ serves as a perfect complement to high-protein diets and can be added to post workout protein bars and shakes.”
“People in their forties and older, especially women, can lose up to one to two percent muscular mass each year due to the gradual decline in protein absorption that unfortunately comes with aging,” Raymond continued.
KWD+ is also a suitable option for vegans who find it difficult to achieve recommended protein intakes, due in part to the lower bioavailability of plant proteins. Common vegan protein sources, such as tofu, have bioavailability of just over 60%, according to Pharmactive.
“The standardization of the actives in KWD+ allows us to establish a precise dosage to improve the digestion of some proteins difficult to digest, for example, gluten, soy protein, or beef muscle,” said Alberto Espinel, director of IP and open innovation for Pharmactive. “Vegetarians and vegans can use the benefits of KWD+ to increase the biologic value of vegetable proteins and get more out of less.”
Kiwi fruit is also evidenced to help gut function, by improving gut motility and digestive discomfort. This is due to the inhibitory action of antioxidants found in Aktinnamics on pro-inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-a.
KWD+ is suitable for galenic formulations such as softgels, syrups, and powders, and can be fully integrated into foods and beverages. The company recommends a daily dose of 300 mg for daily digestive support, and 600 mg before a heavy meal. The ingredient has doping-free certifications, and is certified kosher and halal.

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