Orgenetics Releases Plant-Based Magnesium Ingredients

The two new ingredients use pumpkin as a scalable, sustainable plant-based source of magnesium, available in an organic variety.

Orgenetics has reformulated its plant-based, whole-food magnesium ingredients sourced from pumpkin, called Orgen-Mg and RGen-Mg.
Orgen-Mg is derived from an organic pumpkin extract, while RGen-Mg is a non-GMO variety. Both utilize a gentle water extraction method which minimizes environmental impact and the company’s clean solvent mandate. Both ingredients also contain co-factors and co-nutrients of pumpkin in addition to total magnesium. The two ingredients have been reformulated to meet more international regulatory standards, increasing accessibility to global markets.
Magnesium has seen a notable rise in demand, Orgenetics noted, with market researcher SPINS noting that sales of magnesium have grown by 44.5% to reach $322 million in revenue in 52 weeks ending in May.
“Our reformulated Orgen-Mg and RGen-Mg are extracted from a botanical that has broader worldwide compatibility, representing a significant leap forward for our growing and globalized customer base,” said Saumil Maheshvari, SVP of business development at Orgenetics. “This reformulation was made with scalable sustainability at the heart of it, as the popularity and relative ease of growing Pumpkin allows us to further streamline our sourcing and supply chains.”
The reformulated RGen-Mg will be launched in September, while the organic Orgen-Mg will be launched in early 2025.

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