FrieslandCampina Ingredients Launches Microparticulated Whey Protein

ProHeat, a heat stable protein for medical nutrition, has sensory qualities which can improve patient adherence.

FrieslandCampina Ingredients, a global supplier of protein and prebiotics, has launched Nutri Whey ProHeat, a microparticulated, heat-stable protein ingredient for the medical nutrition market.
During traditional heat treatments, most whey protein gets denatured, however, medical nutrition brands can now more easily help patients access the benefits of whey protein in a nutrient-dense liquid formulation with appealing sensory properties like low viscosity, neutral pH, and a clean taste.
One in four people admitted to the hospital suffer from disease related malnutrition, which can present a challenge for healthcare providers. Improving patient adherence to medical nutrition programs is a focus of healthcare providers, and one where medical nutrition companies can support for positive patient outcomes.
Challenges with Whey
Liquid oral supplements have traditionally been developed with casein proteins, as these high-quality proteins can naturally tolerate high-heat treatments. However, whey protein is higher in leucine and is more quickly digested than casein, resulting in faster and higher levels of blood plasma leucine and other essential amino acids, FrieslandCampina reports.
Formulating medical nutrition products with whey protein has historically bene challenging as most whey proteins are irreversibly denatured and polymerized into aggregates or gels when heated to high temperatures, which is necessary to create stable supplements.
Nutri Whey ProHeat solves this challenge by leveraging a patent-pending micropatriculation process, resulting in small aggregates which keep protein stable under high heat treatment conditions.
The new protein can support formulations with up to 15% protein content, in a 2 kcal/ml solution.
“At FrieslandCampina Ingredients, we’re driven by our mission to help people get the most out of life, always. This means helping people recover faster from illness or surgery so they can get back to doing what they love,” said Vicky Davies, global senior marketing director of performance, active, and medical nutrition. “Our latest ingredient innovation presents a big leap forward for medical nutrition and will enable manufacturers to provide patients with the unrivalled nutritional benefits of whey protein in an appealing, drinkable format. By using our unparalleled technological and applications expertise, we’ve been able to create a highly nutritious ingredient that will unlock new innovations in medical nutrition.”

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