
Bergstrom Nutrition Receives ISO 9001:2015 Certification

The company achieved the new certification three years ahead of schedule.

Bergstrom Nutrition, Vancouver, WA, makers of OptiMSM, a branded form of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), has received the new ISO 9001:2015 certification three years ahead of schedule. The ISO 9001 is the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) flagship quality management systems standard. The voluntary certification helps organizations demonstrate to customers that they offer products and services of consistently good quality. 
Companies holding the current version of this certification (ISO 9001:2008) have three years to update their standards to continue to keep it, essentially moving into ISO 9001:2015 status. The company said its early adoption of the new requirements not only demonstrates its commitment to providing pure, quality products, but it also displays the MSM manufacturer’s industry leadership as one of the first supplement companies to receive the new certification.
The ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000 audits were conducted by AIBI-CS, part of AIB International — a food-sector technology and information transfer center founded in 1919. “Over the last six years, Begstrom Nutrition has demonstrated a well-developed and impeccably-implemented food safety and quality management system. The company’s committed management team continually improves upon this system, building a food safety culture that is widely respected among industry peers,” said by Alfonso Capuchino, general manager of AIBI-CS. 
“We take quality control very seriously at Bergstrom Nutrition, so it wasn’t a stretch to be able to meet the new standards so quickly. If we hadn’t already had the FSSC 22000 certification, this process would have been much more labor-intensive,” said Will Kitchen, director of engineering, quality and regulatory affairs, Bergstrom Nutrition. “However this was not an overnight process. Effort was made across the entire organization to raise our system up to the new standard.”
The new version places heightened importance on risk analysis and mitigation—key components of food safety standards. “Evaluating all the risks that affect both Bergstrom Nutrition and our customers’ businesses has been a creative and worthwhile undertaking,” said Mr. Kitchen.
ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. 
“Abiding by all types of standards is the most important service we can provide our customers so their confidence in safety and regulatory compliance remains strong. More importantly, this confidence trickles down to end-users—consumers,” said Tim Hammond, vice president of sales and marketing, Bergstrom Nutrition. “The newly robust standards serve as a backbone to a good quality management system that will drive organizations to provide improved levels of quality.” 

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