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Balchem Corporation Partners with American Nutrition Association

As a new member company, Balchem will also be joining the association’s Nutrition Leaders Council.

Balchem Corporation has partnered with the American Nutrition Association (ANA) and is also joining the ANA Nutrition Leaders Council. The NLC is a group of companies rigorously vetted by the association who join in ANA’s mission to move nutrition to the core of the healthcare system and culture.
“The ANA is excited to have Balchem join in supporting our efforts to promote truly good nutrition,” said Corinne Bush, MS, CNS, ANA’s CEO. “Only the most notable companies in the nutrition sector are invited to partner with the ANA. Balchem is highly regarded as a company championing social responsibility and committed to making the world a healthier place. We look forward to what we can accomplish together.”
“We look forward to our partnership with ANA and increasing consumer awareness about the health benefits of our minerals and nutrients portfolio,” said Frédéric Boned, global senior vice president and general manager of human health and nutrition at Balchem. “This partnership will involve creating evidence-based content to effectively communicate our shared goal of making the world a healthier place.”

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